...rediscover your truest, shiniest self
to create a life of Connection, Aliveness, and Joy

How would your life look and feel if you were connected
to your natural self, to your truest, most Joyful essence?
How would that impact you and those around you?
Close your eyes and imagine it now for a moment. Really conjure up the juicy details of a life like that.
By choosing to say Yes to Waking Up To Joy, you are saying Yes to all of that.
Feels good, doesn't it?!
'But I'm already busy and people need me. . .How can I possibly find the time and justify doing this, purely for myself?'
When you say Yes to yourself, and to a Life that is connected to Joy, you'll actually be far more creative, have more to share, and impact everyone and everything around you in positive ways that seem quite magical!
Waking Up To Joy is the gift to yourself that enriches everyone and EveryThing:
You're more focused and in the Flow, doing what needs to be done in less time and with less effort
You're more resilient, dealing with seeming challenges more calmly so there's less drama
You're open to new possibilities, able to come up with creative new perspectives and ideas to share with others
You're happier in yourself and people are inspired by your positivity
Win win win!
Our next Waking Up To Joy group programme
begins Spring 2022!
You can always choose to Commit To Joy in your own way - I promise you that however you do it, it will enhance your life like really nothing else can.
And if you want to say Yes to yourself by joining us and being part of the supportive Commit To Joy Collective, it would be an honour and a sheer delight to support you.
In these Big Times on our planet when it's so important that we Commit To Joy, it's my deepest desire that everyone have access to everything they might need to remember just how amazing and beautiful and creative they really are.
Waking Up To Joy lays the foundations of a life that is firmly and confidently created from a place of consciousness and loving awareness.
Complete Joy Package : Waking Up To Joy programme, including your own dedicated Portal with lifetime access to all the video trainings, downloadables, MP3s, and Playbook PDFs you could ever need to feel supported and to firmly establish strong, consistent, affirming practices, and connection to the Joy that You Truly Are...
...plus our own private Waking Up To Joy FB Group...
...PLUS - and this is a BIGGIE! - 6 x 90 min weekly group coaching calls with me, including powerful meditations, activations and Live Q&A
We begin again soon, in May 2022...Will you be joining us?! Email Corinne to book your place on the waitlist for early bird rates...
Commit To Joy Collective members:
Investment: waitlist £777 /after April 30th £977
'This is something I am SO excited about. I have been working with Corinne since February and it has truly been the greatest gift I’ve ever given to myself. I know that Waking Up to Joy will be life changing because Corinne truly embodies the joy she teaches. Yes yes yes!! I’m SO ready!'
Paige, USA

PLUS! Cherry On the Top
Private 60 minute 1:1 session for those joining the waitlist before April 30th 2022!
Jackie made the most of this last time around, and said:
'The icing on the cake was the 1:1 session of intuitive guidance. I felt I had learnt what I had needed to learn during the 6 weeks, but to be able to get the guidance, acknowledgement and the ability to go deeper into where I was - this was priceless.
I came away with a deep sense of peace, a knowing that I am moving forward, gaining a real sense of clarity around who I am and what I am here for, and who I am choosing to be. It has opened up a whole range of possibilities!'
Waking Up To Joy
...rediscover your truest, shiniest self
to create a life of Connection, Aliveness and Joy
I'll be in touch once your payment is processed
to send you some goodies to enjoy before your course begins.
But right now,
take a nice, easy, deep breath.
Close your eyes and smile a little smile, just for yourself.
Breathe it in, just for you, and see if you feel just a little warm place of peace, or even a tiny spark of anticipation,
of excitement. Smile some more, and feel it grow.
This is the start of something beautiful.
Here We GO!
Yes! I'm a Commit To Joy Collective member and want to get started!
Waking Up To Joy
6 week programme with coaching package starting Spring 2022 - I'm on the waitlist and get to join for the early bird price of £777

Still have questions about if this will be a good fit for you? Of course 💛
I'm always super happy to talk with you...Contact me here to schedule a call!