rediscover your truest, shiniest self
so you can live a life of purpose, connection and joy
I'm all about sharing the freshest, richest content, because I live this too, and because I'm always expanding into the next-level-me, everything I share is always as relevant, juicy and real as it can be.
That's why, this time around, this beloved, proven signature programme is in place, and benefits even more from a sovereign inspired, wise-woman twist!
Scroll down to find out more about Waking Up To Joy
'I feel I never truly understood what Joy was until this course.'
At this important time in all our lives, at this crucial time of Human history, there has never been a better time to start experiencing Life from your Heart, the gateway to Joy, and begin living the Life you've always wished for.
Waking Up To Joy means remembering what it's like to live naturally from your Heart, confident that you are guided by what's best for you at all times. When we let our mind run the show, our experience of Life simply isn't as Joyful as it might be - it can't be!
Waking Up To Joy, and waking up to the Joy that you are, means you naturally feel more energised, alive and inspired than you might have done in quite some time. It supports you to create more space and calm, and consciously create a Life that feels more relaxed and joyful, and most importantly, is the magical, loving, creative Life that is perfect for YOU.
Want to know a bit more about it?!
Expect breakthroughs, delightful surprises, and plenty of magic!
We'll cover every aspect of Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit/Essence so that you feel recharged, empowered and covered on every level. This means that at the end of 6 incredible weeks, not only will you have made good friends - especially with your beautiful self - you will have the tools you need to sustain your fresh new perspective and keep those Joy fires burning bright, even when you're faced with the inevitable challenges and opportunities for expansion that Life will surely have in store.
Have a look and see what else we'll be getting up to...
Each week we'll make our way along the 5 Steps of The Essential Joy Pathway, exploring specific steps and Keys of the Joy Code. For example...
Week 1, Step 1:
Start Right Where You Are
Intention & Commitment
Week 2, Step 2:
Connect To Home
Practice & Connection
Week 3, Step 3:
Release, Replenish and Restore
Embodiment and Body Joy
Week 4, Step 4:
Retune and Reset
Frequency, and fine-tuning to your Inner Joy-PS
Week 5, Step 5:
Awaken to Your Creation
Creativity, Play & Natural Magic
Week 6: A New Now
Celebrations and Anticipation for what comes next for you...
Each week you'll enjoy...
Waking Up To Joy Playbook PDFs
Video trainings to inspire you
MP3s to support your wellbeing
on every level
Delicious downloadables
Bonus resources and surprises to make you smile
Online coaching calls with me and the Waking Up To Joy group (all recorded so you can submit Qs in advance and watch in your own time if you can't make a call)
Connection and support within your Private Waking Up To Joy Facebook Group
Audio exclusives to Waking Up To Joy members
Continuing nurture and support after the programme ends, plus invitation to join the Joy Genius Membership
After 6 weeks* you'll delight in...
more energy
better focus
increased inspiration
stronger connection with things that matter
greater relaxation and groundedness
heightened vibrancy and radiance
sharper awareness
growing resilience and an ability to respond more positively, whatever happens
a place within a supportive community, with new friends
...and a much clearer knowing of your own personal and unique expression of JOY!
But don't just take my word for it...
'I came away from the course feeling I had really connected with my true self.
I knew myself so much better and how to tap in to my own very personal experience of joy!' Emma
Waking Up To Joy
...through coming home to your truest essence

Emma, UK
I decided to join the Waking Up To Joy programme as I recognised I was living far too much in my head and really wanted to connect with my heart, tune in to a calm place and find true joy.
Corinne's sessions were beautiful, and the resources available to access at any time were also really good. Each session had a theme we explored and there was the opportunity to share for those who wanted to. There were meditations for each theme and the realisations these brought for me were magical.
Being part of a group made the whole experience so much richer. I loved what others shared and I benefited greatly from it.
I came away from the course feeling I had really connected with my true self.
I know myself so much better now and have tapped in to my own very personal experience of joy.
Paige, Alabama
Waking Up To Joy was the highlight of my summer.
The program was highly organized and each week I knew exactly where our focus would be – this was important for me.
Corinne provides materials each week, like recorded meditations and practices that were extremely useful in order to put these concepts into real use in my life.
I downloaded them to my phone and still use them today.
Most of all, every week I looked forward to the live sessions with Corinne and the group. It was an opportunity to ask questions and dive deeper into what it’s really like to live from your heart space. Corinne wanted us to not only intellectually understand what this all means, but to really practice it and FEEL it.
I really feel I never truly understood what Joy was until this course.
Corinne has taught me that it’s not about pushing away all of those things in life and in ourselves that feel less than joyful, but to include it all, to bring it all into our hearts, to welcome all of life. That is true Joy.
And it feels different, but it feels good!
Thank you Corinne. You are a wonderful teacher!
Kayte, Boston
I’m not sure there are any words that could do this course justice!
I wanted to experience more joy in my life and was surprised with what I discovered during the 6 week exploration.
I loved the meditations and podcast style teachings (the Treasure Hunt journey is so wonderful and my go-to favourite!) Add the weekly live coaching calls on top and it is incredible value for money.
What did I discover? An inner peace, a deeper relationship with myself, a greater appreciation for my environment, acceptance, trust...the list goes on!
Suffice to say I enjoyed the 6 weeks so much that I want to go back to the beginning and do it all again!
This is Corinne’s calling. She has such a magical way of taking you on this beautiful journey and I look back with so much appreciation, feeling very lucky to have experienced it all.
Wanna little tour?!
Step this way, and come with me...
And afterwards, if you'd like to sign up, click here 💛

Where are You on the Joy Scale?!
Waking Up To Joy can take you from say,
a lacklustre 3 on the Joy Scale
to a place where you feel more energised, nourished and 6 beautiful weeks!
So, if you're feeling you'd love to...
Connect more deeply with the truest, shiniest YOU - even if you have no idea what that might feel like right now
Learn and enjoy simple practices to nourish yourself on every level
Rediscover the preciousness of yourself, your life and EVERYTHING in it
Remember how it feels to be more focused, energised and really ALIVE...
...and if you feel this could really be the start of something BIG, and feel that
Waking Up To Joy is for you, you can say YES! and jump in now, making this the very first step in rediscovering your lovely self on a whole new level - because I can guarantee, they are waiting for


Jackie, UK
I signed up knowing that connecting to my heart was what I needed.
I had wanted the 6 weeks to be calm and easy, but right from the beginning things were coming up in my daughter's life which were having a big knock on effect on me. I felt irritated that this impinged on my peace, that I couldn’t be the calm person ready to use all the tools on offer, but looking back it was the best lesson I could have learned.
These tools are beneficial, especially when life is not smooth sailing. Gifting yourself time, acknowledging your needs, connecting to your Heart when life isn’t a bed of roses is even more important, as in the past, I would get entangled in the unsteady emotions all around me.
The focus of the weekly calls, the tools and practices have all been of such benefit and I am incorporating them in my daily routine.
Taking a moment in the natural transitions in my day to connect with the breath, to feel the slowing down, noticing the beauty around me and the peace within me...These are definitely practices I'll continue each and every day.
Erika, Scotland
I didn't know what it was to connect to my heart before this course!
During lockdown I decided to take the time to look at what was holding me back in life. What I discovered was that it wasn't external but internal; over the years the negative self talk had meant I had shut down my internal emotions. It was not only affecting me but my family as well.
Step in Corinne!
Over the course she guided us to connect with our hearts, and whilst previously I had struggled, with persistence and her guidance I felt my heart jump as we meditated, almost as it it was jumping for joy with the reconnection!
Then I started to notice things around me subtly change - situations that had previously triggered me didn't have the same power as before. I was happier. When out walking the dog it was as if I was wearing different glasses. Everything seemed more colourful, bright and vibrant.
I was more aware of the world around me, more present and less anxious.
I now continue the regular practice of awareness, gratitude and meditation, and even when I'm having a bad day I approach it with curiosity wondering what is the lesson today.
Corinne's programme has helped me to approach my day from a better place, and as a result I am calmer, content, more comfortable just being me.
Dawn, Ireland
I have learned so much from Waking Up To Joy.
I now understand myself better as a person, and I’m creating a daily rhythm honouring my true essence, and energy ebbs and flows.
I'm now allowing myself to linger, to absorb and accept those things that are part of me and bring me joy, rather than denying and telling myself that I should just 'grow up and get on with things.’ And I don't feel guilty about taking that time - it makes me empowered and energetic...It makes me happier and more balanced.
I was in a low place from lockdown, but life seems to be returning to normal-and-better because of what I have learned here.
I am excited!